Skapa karaktär

Skapa karaktär



Vi utgår ifrån Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition och de böcker som du får hämta regler, formler, karaktärsklasser och dylikt är:


Players Handbook 5e

Dungeon Master Guide 5e

Sword Coast Adventure Guide 5e



När du skapar din karaktär gör du det utifrån en mall med följande karaktärsattribut:









Varje attribut, eller ”Ability”, har ett grundvärde som är 8. Därefter fördelar du 27 st poäng på attributen och får då en utgångsprofil på din karaktär.  Det kostar dock lite mer poäng ju mer värde du vill ha på ett attribut/en ability. Maximalt får din nyskapade karaktär, ha 15 som grundvärde i någon/några "Abilities". Sedan tillkommer ev bonus utifrån vilken ras din karaktär tillhör.


9 – 13 kostar 1 poäng/enhet

14 kostar totalt 7 poäng

15 kostar totalt 9 poäng



13 i Strength kostar totalt 5 poäng

14 i Strength kostar totalt 7 poäng

15 i Strength kostar totalt 9 poäng

Races and Ability Score Increase

Dwarf:                      +2 Constitution

High Elf:                  +2 Dexterity & +1 Intelligence

Wood Elf:                +2 Dexterity & +1 Wisdom

Dark Elf:                  +2 Dexterity & +1 Charisma

Halfling Lightfoot: +2 Dexterity & +1 Charisma

Halfling Stout:        +2 Dexterity & +1 Constitution

Human:                    +1 All Ability Scores

Dragonborn:           +2 Strength & +1 Charisma

Forest Gnome:        +2 Intelligence & +1 Dexterity

Rock Gnome:          +2 Intelligence & +1 Constitution

Half Elf:                   +2 Charisma & +1 two other Ability Scores

Half-Orc:                 +2 Strength & +1 Constitution

Tiefling:                   +2 Charisma  +1 Intelligence


Utgå från att du aldrig får starta med magiska vapen eller magisk rustning.  Enligt Players Handbook 5e har du följande utrustning att starta med + eventuellt något från din bakgrund.



Armor proficiency: Light armor, Medium armor, Shield

Weapons: Greataxe or any Martial melee weapon alt   

Weapons: Two handaxes or any Simple weapon

Gear: An Explorer's pack and four javelins

Primary Ability: Strength & Constitution



Armor proficiency: Light armor

Weapons: Rapier or Longsword or any Simple weapons

Gear: Diplomat's pack or Entertainer's pack

Gear: A lute or any other musical instrument

Gear: Leather armor and a dagger

Primary Ability: Charisma



Armor proficiency: Light armor, Medium armor, Shield

Weapons: Mace or Warhammer

Weapons: Light Crossbow + 20 bolts or any Simple weapons

Gear: Priest's pack or Explorer's pack

Gear: Scale mail or Leather armor or Chain mail

Gear: Shield and a Holy symbol

Primary Ability: 1 Wisdom, 2 Strength or Constitution



Armor proficiency: Light armor, Medium armor, Shield

Armor: Druid will not wear armor or use shields made of iron

Weapons: Clubs, daggers, darts, javelins, maces, quarterstaffs

Weapons: Scimitars, sickles, slings, spears

Gear: Explorer's pack, Leather armor and a Druidic focus

Gear: Any Simple weapon and Wooden Shield

Gear: Scimitar or any Simple Melee weapon

Primary Ability: 1 Wisdom, 2 Constitution



Armor proficiency: All armor, Shields

Weapons proficiency: Simple weapons and Martial weapons

Gear: A Martial weapon + Shield or 2 Martial weapons

Gear: Light Crossbow + 20  or 2 Handaxes

Gear: Dungeoneer's pack or Explorer's pack

Gear: Chain mail or Leather armor + Longbow + 20 arrows

Primary Ability: 1 Strength or Dexterity, 2 Costitution or Int



Armor proficiency: None

Weapons proficiency: Simple weapons, Shortsword

Gear: A Shortsword or any Simple weapon

Gear: 10 Darts

Gear: Explorer's pack

Primary Ability: 1 Dexterity, 2 Wisdom



Armor proficiency: All armor, Shields

Weapons proficiency: Simple weapons and Martial weapons

Gear: A Martial weapon + Shield or 2 Martial weapons

Gear: Five Javelins or any Simple melee weapon

Gear: Priest's pack or Explorer's pack

Gear: Chain mail and Holy symbol

Primary Ability: 1 Strength 2 Charisma



Armor proficiency: Light armor, Medium armor, Shields

Weapons proficiency: Simple weapons and Martial weapons

Gear: Two shortswords or two Simple melee weapons

Gear: Longbow + 20 arrows

Gear: Dungeoneer's pack or Explorer's pack

Gear: Scale mail or Leather armor

Primary Ability: 1 Dexterity, 2 Wisdom



Armor proficiency: Light armor

Weapons proficiency: Simple weapons, hand crossbows

Weapons proficiency: Shortsword, Longsword, Rapiers

Gear: A shortsword or Rapier

Gear: Shortbow + 20 arrows or a shortsword

Gear: Burglar's pack or Dungeoneer's pack or Explorer's pack

Gear: Leather armor, two daggers, Thieves' Tools

Primary Ability: 1 Dexterity, 2 Intelligence


Armor proficiency: None

Weapons proficiency: Dagger, Darts, Slings, Quarterstaffs

Weapons proficiency: Light crossbow

Gear: A Light crossbow + 20 bolts or any Simple weapon

Gear: A component pouch or an arcane focus

Gear: Dungeoneer's pack or Explorer's pack

Gear: Two daggers

Primary Ability: 1 Charisma, 2 Constitution



Armor proficiency: Light armor

Weapons proficiency: Simple weapons

Gear: A Light crossbow + 20 bolts or any Simple weapon

Gear: A component pouch or an arcane focus

Gear: Scholar's pack or Dungeoneer's pack

Primary Ability: 1 Charisma, 2 Constitution


Armor proficiency: None

Weapons proficiency: Dagger, Darts, Slings, Quarterstaffs

Weapons proficiency: Light crossbow

Gear: A Quarterstaff or Dagger

Gear: A component pouch or an arcane focus

Gear: Scholar's pack or Explorer's pack

Gear: A Spellbook

Primary Ability: 1 Intelligence, 2 Constitution or Dexterity