Enemy Sheet Info

SKIRMISHES                                                                                          p. 18-19

Skirmishing is a quick battle with foes that does not use standees or miniatures-based tactical combat.

General Skirmish Rules

- Characters may use Items during their turn.

- Certain Abilities may be used, although only those that require an attack roll can       reduce the Skirmish Counter.

- Characters cannot change equipped weapon during a skirmish, or trade with               another character.

Skirmish resolution

1. Determine Strength

The creatures strength is based on the number of players. The corresponding dice/s determine the strength.

2. Place Skirmish Counter Marker

The marker is placed on the Strength Value on the Skirmish side of the Creature Card.

3. Attack or Defend

At the beginning of each round, all characters chose to Attack or Defend.

Attack: You attack during your turn

Defend: During your turn you get +10 Defense and -10 Attack.

4. Creatures Turn

Roll D100 and apply any modifiers. The result is compared to the characters Defense Value. Equal or greater = HIT. If multiple creatures they each get an attack against all characters.

5. Characters Turn

All characters roll their Attack dice, D100, and add Might bonuses. A D100 roll equal or greater than the foes Defense = HIT.

6. Reduce Counter

Reduce the skirmish counter by the number of successful attacks.

7. Repeat Steps

Repeat Step 3 through 6 until the Skirmish counter is zero or all characters are defeated.

8. Get Loot

All characters recieve the reward listed on the Skirmish Card and can perform a search for Item for each unique creature. On 10 on a D10 they find an Item.

Encounter Creature Card









ENCOUNTERS                                                                                          p. 24-29

Unlike skirmishes, which are quick abstract combat, Encounters are full-fledge tactical combat using an Adventuring Map.

1. Amount of Vita depending of the numbers of players.

2. Might: Scales to the difficulty of the story being played.

3. Combat Type: Melee or Ranged.

4. Defense & Stride Values.

5. Awards: Lore and Coins earned per player for each foe.

6. Special Power: Description of the enemies special powers.

7. Powers: Determined by the White Power Die* of the creatures attack.

8. Creature/Affliction Type.

*When Foe attack roll the Black 00-90 Dice and the White 0-9 Dice. An attack roll of Black 70 and White 4 = 74 and the the White Die also indicate what power the Foe will use.