Raser (Kin) FL

Forbidden Lands


Det finns åtta olika raser att välja mellan i Forbidden Lands.


Key Attributes: Empathy

Kin Talent: Adaptive

Typical Profession: All


Key Attributes: Agility

Kin Talent: Inner Peace

Typical Profession: Druid, Minstrel,                                             Hunter


Key Attributes: Wits

Kin Talent: Psychic Power

Typical Profession: Druid, Rouge,                                                Sorcerer


Key Attributes: Strength

Kin Talent: True Grit

Typical Profession: Fighter, Minstrel,                                         Peddler


Key Attributes: Empathy

Kin Talent: Hard to Catch

Typical Profession: Minstrel, Rouge,                                          Peddler


Key Attributes: Agility

Kin Talent: Hunting Instincts

Typical Profession: Druid, Fighter,                                               Hunter


Key Attributes: Strength

Kin Talent: Unbreakable

Typical Profession: Fighter, Rouge,                                             Hunter


Key Attributes: Agility

Kin Talent: Nocturnal

Typical Profession: Hunter, Rider,                                               Rouge                                        


Kin Talent: Adaptive

If you spend a "Willpower Point (WP)" when you are to roll for a skill, you can roll for any skill of your choice.

Kin Talent: Inner Peace

Spend a WP, you enter deep meditation for a Quarter Day. Must bee undisturb-ed. You then heal all damage, critical dmg included, except lost limbs.

Kin Talent: Psychic Power

Everytime you spend one or more WP to activate talent or cast spell, the first WP counts as two. This also increase the risk of magic mishaps.

Kin Talent: True Grit

You can push a dice roll multiple times by spending Willpower Points. Every point spent alows you to push the roll one more time.

Kin Talent: Hard to Catch

You can spend Willpower Points in combat to avoid being hit by physical attacks. Every WP spent eliminate one success the attacker rolls.

Kin Talent: Hunting Instincts

You can spend WP to designate a target in line of sight (or scent) as your prey. The # of WP = days you can follow the scent. You also get +1/WP in combat.

Kin Talent: Unbreakable

When Broken by any kind of damage, you can spend WP to get back on your feet. For every WP spent you recover one point in the Broken attribute.

Kin Talent: Nocturnal

You can see in dark and are thus not affected by Darkness. Also, when rolling for STEALTH in the dark or dimly lit enviroment, you can spend WP which are automaticly turned into extra successes. You may even roll first and spend WP after you see how the roll goes.